Tuesday, January 15, 2008

DTC/Dossier To China Today, January 15th, 2008

Our paperwork is finally DTC or "Dossier To China" today. It has been over 5 weeks since we sent it in to AGCI in December, so we certainly weren't expecting it would take this long for them to review it since there weren't any issues with our paperwork.

Sadly this domestic delay pushed our review time into future delays with the Chinese New Year when the CCAA shuts down for at least a week and also probably will interfere with the Guangzhou Trade Show in April when many things in China are out of sorts so AGCI doesn't like to have families traveling than either.

So there goes the hope that George will be in the US in time to register for school and have assessments and IEP reviews for the 2008-2009 school year in the Spring and be ready to go planfully in the Fall in his new school. If he doesn't get here until the end of May or Summer they can not and will not do a thing with planning for him for the Fall. And assessing and developing his ELL, Speech and any other Academic or Developmental services will take months at the beginning of the new school year to put together. Also if he doesn't have services in the Spring there is no way to get anything he might need in the Summer. Now he will have to do without.

To make matters even worse, I guess we will be traveling in May and disrupting the other kids in the familiy's end of school field trips, dance and music recitals and Nicole's Special Olympics activities. Fabulous! If it gets too tight because of the
5 weeks it took to review the Homestudy and the 5 weeks it took to get the Dossier Translated and Authenticated than we can even imagine that we are going to get caught in new rules enacted especially for the Summer Olympics dealing with Airline Security and Visas. Also flights will start to get outrageous in June, and July and August will be when everyone for miles around heads to Beijing by planes, trains and automobiles!

Don't get me wrong since we have been working on our Dossier for the last 7 months, I am still thrilled it is finally headed overseas. I have filled out papers, lost papers, found papers, answered interview questions and tried to figure out much greater issues than I normally am called to do while staying home with the kids.

But as of today I should be able to start forgetting about the pain. All of that mental effort for a stack of papers that fits into a legal size manilla envelope.

Oh well if George is a little closer to coming home to stay then it was worth the blood, sweat, tears and 7 months of this Mom's life.

From Tiffany......

"Good Afternoon Jim and Christina!

Great news!! I will be express mailing your completed dossier to China today with your original PA and my staff in Beijing will be receiving the package by Monday with a hopeful submission date of this coming Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. As soon as the dossier arrives they will match everything up with the translated documents and immediately submit your dossier to the CCAA. Once your dossier is submitted it will be approximately 12-17 weeks for your Letter of Seeking Confirmation (LOC) and then your Travel Approval (TA) will be here 2-4 weeks later, and then you will leave about 2-3 weeks later. Keep in mind that holidays, paperwork problems, etc could cause this timeframe to extend, this is just an estimate. I will be in touch once I receive word that your file was officially submitted. This can take up to week for me to get from our staff. If you have any questions in the mean time, please let me know! Have a blessed rest of your week!

With Joy,


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